About UsCA Transition Alliance
The CA Transition Alliance is an established 501(c ) (3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is providing information, tools, and resources that can be shared with teachers, parents, educators, and transition partners, including the California Department of Rehabilitation and the Department of Developmental Services with an emphasis on preparing youth to transition from school to work, post-secondary education and training and living independently.
Originally formed in 2001, the vision for the organization at that time included advocacy for sustainable funding for the primary transition program, WorkAbility I, provision of technical assistance and support to WorkAbility I, sponsorship of training/workshops, communication and outreach, and provision of opportunities for personal and professional growth / continuing education units.
CATA has evolved to broaden its focus from WorkAbility I to advocacy for secondary transition for youth with disabilities and continues to focus on programs that support and sustain transition efforts in California. CATA sponsors and organizes the statewide Bridge to the Future Institutes on Secondary Transition, coordinating and providing training in secondary transition throughout the state.
We are currently leading the California High School Alternative Diploma workgroup, and support the California Community of Practice on Secondary Transition State Leadership Team. We engage youth in creating Let’s Work CA. Members of the Leadership team volunteer their time and are dedicated to helping our youth achieve employment and transition from high school to education and training.
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